Vocabulary : Syndrome to Synentognathi

Syndrome : Concurrence. ;; A group of symptoms occurring together that are characteristic and indicative of some underlying cause, such as a disease.
Syndyasmian : Pertaining to the state of pairing together sexually; -- said of animals during periods of procreation and while rearing their offspring.
Syne : Afterwards; since; ago. ;; Late, -- as opposed to soon. ;; Since; seeing.
Synecdoche : A figure or trope by which a part of a thing is put for the whole (as, fifty sail for fifty ships), or the whole for a part (as, the smiling year for spring), the species for the genus (as, cutthroat for assassin), the genus for the species (as, a creature for a man), the name of the material for the thing made, etc.
Synecdochical : Expressed by synecdoche; implying a synecdoche.
Synecdochically : By synecdoche.
Synechia : A disease of the eye, in which the iris adheres to the cornea or to the capsule of the crystalline lens.
Synecphonesis : A contraction of two syllables into one; synizesis.
Synedral : Growing on the angles of a stem, as the leaves in some species of Selaginella.
Synentognathi : An order of fishes, resembling the Physoclisti, without spines in the dorsal, anal, and ventral fins. It includes the true flying fishes.
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