Vocabulary : Synthetic to Syntony

Synthetic : Alt. of Synthetical
Synthetical : Of or pertaining to synthesis; consisting in synthesis or composition; as, the synthetic method of reasoning, as opposed to analytical. ;; Artificial. Cf. Synthesis, 2. ;; Comprising within itself structural or other characters which are usually found only in two or more diverse groups; -- said of species, genera, and higher groups. See the Note under Comprehensive, 3.
Synthetically : In a synthetic manner.
Synthetize : To combine; to unite in regular structure.
Syntomy : Brevity; conciseness.
Syntonic : Of or pert. to syntony; specif., designating, or pert. to, a system of wireless telegraphy in which the transmitting and receiving apparatus are in syntony with, and only with, one another.
Syntonin : A proteid substance (acid albumin) formed from the albuminous matter of muscle by the action of dilute acids; -- formerly called musculin. See Acid albumin, under Albumin.
Syntonize : To adjust or devise so as to emit or respond to electric oscillations of a certain wave length; to tune; specif., to put (two or more instruments or systems of wireless telegraphy) in syntony with each other.
Syntonizer : One that syntonizes; specif., a device consisting essentially of a variable inductance coil and condenser with a pair of adjustable spark balls, for attuning the time periods of antennae in wireless telegraphy (called also syntonizing coil).
Syntony : State of being adjusted to a certain wave length; agreement or tuning between the time period of an apparatus emitting electric oscillations and that of a receiving apparatus, esp. in wireless telegraphy.
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