Vocabulary : Tabasheer to Tabefying

Tabasheer : A concretion in the joints of the bamboo, which consists largely or chiefly of pure silica. It is highly valued in the East Indies as a medicine for the cure of bilious vomitings, bloody flux, piles, and various other diseases.
Tabbied : of Tabby
Tabbies : of Tabby
Tabbinet : A fabric like poplin, with a watered surface.
Tabby : A kind of waved silk, usually called watered silk, manufactured like taffeta, but thicker and stronger. The watering is given to it by calendering. ;; A mixture of lime with shells, gravel, or stones, in equal proportions, with an equal proportion of water. When dry, this becomes as hard as rock. ;; A brindled cat; hence, popularly, any cat. ;; An old maid or gossip. ;; Having a wavy or watered appearance; as, a tabby waistcoat. ;; Brindled; diversified in color; as, a tabby cat. ;; To water; to cause to look wavy, by the process of calendering; to calender; as, to tabby silk, mohair, ribbon, etc.
Tabbying : of Tabby
Tabefaction : A wasting away; a gradual losing of flesh by disease.
Tabefied : of Tabefy
Tabefy : To cause to waste gradually, to emaciate.
Tabefying : of Tabefy
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