Vocabulary : Tango to Tanite

Tango : A difficult dance in two-four time characterized by graceful posturing, frequent pointing positions, and a great variety of steps, including the cross step and turning steps. The dance is of Spanish origin, and is believed to have been in its original form a part of the fandango. ;; Any of various popular forms derived from this.
Tangos : of Tango
Tangram : A Chinese toy made by cutting a square of thin wood, or other suitable material, into seven pieces, as shown in the cut, these pieces being capable of combination in various ways, so as to form a great number of different figures. It is now often used in primary schools as a means of instruction.
Tangue : The tenrec.
Tangun : A piebald variety of the horse, native of Thibet.
Tangwhaup : The whimbrel.
Tanier : An aroid plant (Caladium sagittaefolium), the leaves of which are boiled and eaten in the West Indies.
Tanist : In Ireland, a lord or proprietor of a tract of land or of a castle, elected by a family, under the system of tanistry.
Tanistry : In Ireland, a tenure of family lands by which the proprietor had only a life estate, to which he was admitted by election.
Tanite : A firm composition of emery and a certain kind of cement, used for making grinding wheels, slabs, etc.
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