Vocabulary : Telary to Telegraph

Telary : Of or pertaining to a web; hence, spinning webs; retiary.
Telautogram : A message transmitted and recorded by a teleautograph.
Telautograph : A facsimile telegraph for reproducing writing, pictures, maps, etc. In the transmitter the motions of the pencil are communicated by levers to two rotary shafts, by which variations in current are produced in two separate circuits. In the receiver these variations are utilized by electromagnetic devices and levers to move a pen as the pencil moves.
Telechirograph : An instrument for telegraphically transmitting and receiving handwritten messages, as photographically by a beam of light from a mirror.
Teledu : An East Indian carnivore (Mydaus meliceps) allied to the badger, and noted for the very offensive odor that it emits, somewhat resembling that of a skunk. It is a native of the high mountains of Java and Sumatra, and has long, silky fur. Called also stinking badger, and stinkard.
Telega : A rude four-wheeled, springless wagon, used among the Russians.
Telegony : The supposed influence of a father upon offspring subsequent to his own, begotten of the same mother by another father.
Telegram : A message sent by telegraph; a telegraphic dispatch.
Telegrammic : Pertaining to, or resembling, a telegram; laconic; concise; brief.
Telegraph : An apparatus, or a process, for communicating intelligence rapidly between distant points, especially by means of preconcerted visible or audible signals representing words or ideas, or by means of words and signs, transmitted by electrical action. ;; To convey or announce by telegraph.
Next : Telegraph plant, Telegraphed, Telegrapher, Telegraphic, Telegraphical, Telegraphing, Telegraphist, Telegraphone, Telegraphoscope, Telegraphy
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