Vocabulary : Tesseraic to Testaceology

Tesseraic : Diversified by squares; done in mosaic; tessellated.
Tesseral : Of, pertaining to, or containing, tesserae. ;; Isometric.
Tessular : Tesseral.
Test : A cupel or cupelling hearth in which precious metals are melted for trial and refinement. ;; Examination or trial by the cupel; hence, any critical examination or decisive trial; as, to put a man's assertions to a test. ;; Means of trial; as, absence is a test of love. ;; That with which anything is compared for proof of its genuineness; a touchstone; a standard. ;; Discriminative characteristic; standard of judgment; ground of admission or exclusion. ;; Judgment; distinction; discrimination. ;; A reaction employed to recognize or distinguish any particular substance or constituent of a compound, as the production of some characteristic precipitate; also, the reagent employed to produce such reaction; thus, the ordinary test for sulphuric acid is the production of a white insoluble precipitate of barium sulphate by means of some soluble barium salt. ;; To refine, as gold or silver, in a test, or cupel; to subject to cupellation. ;; To put to the proof; to prove the truth, genuineness, or quality of by experim
Testa : The external hard or firm covering of many invertebrate animals. ;; The outer integument of a seed; the episperm, or spermoderm.
Testable : Capable of being tested or proved. ;; Capable of being devised, or given by will.
Testacea : Invertebrate animals covered with shells, especially mollusks; shellfish.
Testacean : Onr of the Testacea.
Testaceography : The science which treats of testaceans, or shellfish; the description of shellfish.
Testaceology : The science of testaceous mollusks; conchology.
Next : Testaceous, Testacy, Testae, Testament, Testamental, Testamentary, Testamentation, Testamentize, Testamur, Testate
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