Vocabulary : Titubation to Tivy

Titubation : The act of stumbling, rocking, or rolling; a reeling.
Titular : Existing in title or name only; nominal; having the title to an office or dignity without discharging its appropriate duties; as, a titular prince. ;; A titulary.
Titularies : of Titulary
Titularity : The quality or state of being titular.
Titularly : In a titular manner; nominally; by title only.
Titulary : A person invested with a title, in virtue of which he holds an office or benefice, whether he performs the duties of it or not. ;; Consisting in a title; titular. ;; Of or pertaining to a title.
Tituled : Having a title.
Tiver : A kind of ocher which is used in some parts of England in marking sheep. ;; To mark with tiver.
Tivoli : A game resembling bagatelle, played on a special oblong board or table (Tivoli board / table), which has a curved upper end, a set of numbered compartments at the lower end, side alleys, and the surface studded with pins and sometimes furnished with numbered depressions or cups.
Tivy : With great speed; -- a huntsman's word or sound.
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