Vocabulary : Trawlerman to Treacher

Trawlerman : A fisherman who used unlawful arts and engines to catch fish.
Trawlermen : of Trawlerman
Trawlnet : Same as Trawl, n., 2.
Trawlwarp : A rope passing through a block, used in managing or dragging a trawlnet.
Tray : To betray; to deceive. ;; A small trough or wooden vessel, sometimes scooped out of a block of wood, for various domestic uses, as in making bread, chopping meat, etc. ;; A flat, broad vessel on which dishes, glasses, etc., are carried; a waiter; a salver. ;; A shallow box, generally without a top, often used within a chest, trunk, box, etc., as a removable receptacle for small or light articles.
Trayful : As much as a tray will hold; enough to fill a tray.
Trayfuls : of Trayful
Trays : Traces. ;; of Tray ;; See Trais.
Tray-trip : An old game played with dice.
Treacher : A traitor; a cheat.
Next : Treacherous, Treachery, Treachetour, Treachour, Treacle, Treacly, Tread, Treadboard, Treader, Treadfowl
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