Vocabulary : Triglyphical to Trigonometrical

Triglyphical : Consisting of, or pertaining to, triglyphs. ;; Containing three sets of characters or sculptures.
Trigness : The quality or state of being trig; smartness; neatness.
Trigon : The cutting region of the crown of an upper molar, usually the anterior part. That of a lower molar is the Tri"go*nid (/). ;; A figure having three angles; a triangle. ;; A division consisting of three signs. ;; Trine, an aspect of two planets distant 120 degrees from each other. ;; A kind of triangular lyre or harp. ;; A kind of game at ball played by three persons standing at the angular points of a triangle.
Trigonal : Having three angles, or corners; triangular; as, a trigonal stem, one having tree prominent longitudinal angles.
Trigone : A smooth triangular area on the inner surface of the bladder, limited by the apertures of the ureters and urethra.
Trigonia : A genus of pearly bivalve shells, numerous extinct species of which are characteristic of the Mesozoic rocks. A few living species exist on the coast of Australia.
Trigonocerous : Having horns with three angles, like those of some species of goats.
Trigonodont : See Trituberculy.
Trigonometric : Alt. of Trigonometrical
Trigonometrical : Of or pertaining to trigonometry; performed by the rules of trigonometry.
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