Vocabulary : Triple-crowned to Triplicity

Triple-crowned : Having three crowns; wearing the triple crown, as the pope.
Tripled : of Triple
Triple-headed : Having three heads; three-headed; as, the triple-headed dog Cerberus.
Triplet : A collection or combination of three of a kind; three united. ;; Three verses rhyming together. ;; A group of three notes sung or played in the tree of two. ;; Three children or offspring born at one birth.
Triple-tail : An edible fish (Lobotes Surinamensis) found in the warmer parts of all the oceans, and common on the southern and middle coasts of the United States. When living it is silvery gray, and becomes brown or blackish when dead. Its dorsal and anal fins are long, and extend back on each side of the tail. It has large silvery scales which are used in the manufacture of fancy work. Called also, locally, black perch, grouper, and flasher.
Triplex : Havingthree principal operative parts or motions, so as to produce a three-fold effect.
Triplicate : Made thrice as much; threefold; tripled. ;; A third thing corresponding to two others of the same kind.
Triplicate-ternate : Triternate.
Triplication : The act of tripling, or making threefold, or adding three together. ;; Same as Surrejoinder.
Triplicity : The quality or state of being triple, or threefold; trebleness.
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