Vocabulary : Ularburong to Ulcerous

Ularburong : A large East Indian nocturnal tree snake (Dipsas dendrophila). It is not venomous.
Ulcer : A solution of continuity in any of the soft parts of the body, discharging purulent matter, found on a surface, especially one of the natural surfaces of the body, and originating generally in a constitutional disorder; a sore discharging pus. It is distinguished from an abscess, which has its beginning, at least, in the depth of the tissues. ;; Fig.: Anything that festers and corrupts like an open sore; a vice in character. ;; To ulcerate.
Ulcerable : Capable of ulcerating.
Ulcerate : To be formed into an ulcer; to become ulcerous. ;; To affect with, or as with, an ulcer or ulcers.
Ulcerated : of Ulcerate ;; Affected with, or as with, an ulcer or ulcers; as, an ulcerated sore throat.
Ulcerating : of Ulcerate
Ulceration : The process of forming an ulcer, or of becoming ulcerous; the state of being ulcerated; also, an ulcer.
Ulcerative : Of or pertaining to ulcers; as, an ulcerative process.
Ulcered : Ulcerous; ulcerated.
Ulcerous : Having the nature or character of an ulcer; discharging purulent or other matter. ;; Affected with an ulcer or ulcers; ulcerated.
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