Vocabulary : Unshelve to Unshroud

Unshelve : To remove from, or as from, a shelf.
Unshent : Not shent; not disgraced; blameless.
Unsheriff : To depose from the office of sheriff.
Unshet : To unshut.
Unshiftable : That may /ot be shifted. ;; Shiftless; helpless.
Unship : To take out of a ship or vessel; as, to unship goods. ;; To remove or detach, as any part or implement, from its proper position or connection when in use; as, to unship an oar; to unship capstan bars; to unship the tiller.
Unshipment : The act of unshipping, or the state of being unshipped; displacement.
Unshot : To remove the shot from, as from a shotted gun; to unload. ;; Not hit by a shot; also, not discharged or fired off.
Unshout : To recall what is done by shouting.
Unshroud : To remove the shroud from; to uncover.
Next : Unshrubbed, Unshut, Unshutter, Unsight, Unsightable, Unsighted, Unsignificant, Unsilly, Unsimplicity, Unsin
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