Vocabulary : Unwisdom to Unwonder

Unwisdom : Want of wisdom; unwise conduct or action; folly; simplicity; ignorance.
Unwise : Not wise; defective in wisdom; injudicious; indiscreet; foolish; as, an unwise man; unwise kings; unwise measures.
Unwisely : In an unwise manner; foolishly.
Unwish : To wish not to be; to destroy by wishing.
Unwist : Not known; unknown. ;; Not knowing; unwitting.
Unwit : To deprive of wit. ;; Want of wit or understanding; ignorance.
Unwitch : To free from a witch or witches; to fee from witchcraft.
Unwitting : Not knowing; unconscious; ignorant.
Unwoman : To deprive of the qualities of a woman; to unsex.
Unwonder : To divest of the quality of wonder or mystery; to interpret; to explain.
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