Vocabulary : Venosity to Ventilate

Venosity : The quality or state of being venous. ;; A condition in which the circulation is retarded, and the entire mass of blood is less oxygenated than it normally is.
Venous : Of or pertaining to a vein or veins; as, the venous circulation of the blood. ;; Contained in the veins, or having the same qualities as if contained in the veins, that is, having a dark bluish color and containing an insufficient amount of oxygen so as no longer to be fit for oxygenating the tissues; -- said of the blood, and opposed to arterial. ;; Marked with veins; veined; as, a venous leaf.
Vent : Sale; opportunity to sell; market. ;; To sell; to vend. ;; A baiting place; an inn. ;; To snuff; to breathe or puff out; to snort. ;; A small aperture; a hole or passage for air or any fluid to escape; as, the vent of a cask; the vent of a mold; a volcanic vent. ;; The anal opening of certain invertebrates and fishes; also, the external cloacal opening of reptiles, birds, amphibians, and many fishes. ;; The opening at the breech of a firearm, through which fire is communicated to the powder of the charge; touchhole. ;; Sectional area of the passage for gases divided by the length of the same passage in feet. ;; Fig.: Opportunity of escape or passage from confinement or privacy; outlet. ;; Emission; escape; passage to notice or expression; publication; utterance. ;; To let out at a vent, or small aperture; to give passage or outlet to. ;; To suffer to escape from confinement; to let out; to utter; to pour forth; as, to vent passion or complaint. ;; To utter; to report; to publish. ;; To scent, as a hound. ;; T
Ventage : A small hole, as the stop in a flute; a vent.
Ventail : That part of a helmet which is intended for the admission of air, -- sometimes in the visor.
Vented : of Vent
Venter : One who vents; one who utters, reports, or publishes. ;; The belly; the abdomen; -- sometimes applied to any large cavity containing viscera. ;; The uterus, or womb. ;; A belly, or protuberant part; a broad surface; as, the venter of a muscle; the venter, or anterior surface, of the scapula. ;; The lower part of the abdomen in insects. ;; A pregnant woman; a mother; as, A has a son B by one venter, and a daughter C by another venter; children by different venters.
Venthole : A touchhole; a vent.
Ventiduct : A passage for wind or air; a passage or pipe for ventilating apartments.
Ventilate : To open and expose to the free passage of air; to supply with fresh air, and remove impure air from; to air; as, to ventilate a room; to ventilate a cellar; to ventilate a mine. ;; To provide with a vent, or escape, for air, gas, etc.; as, to ventilate a mold, or a water-wheel bucket. ;; To change or renew, as the air of a room. ;; To winnow; to fan; as, to ventilate wheat. ;; To sift and examine; to bring out, and subject to penetrating scrutiny; to expose to examination and discussion; as, to ventilate questions of policy. ;; To give vent; to utter; to make public.
Next : Ventilated, Ventilating, Ventilation, Ventilative, Ventilator, Venting, Ventose, Ventosity, Ventouse, Ventrad
Previous : Venial, Veniality, Venin, Venire facias, Venison, Venite, Vennation, Venom, Venomous, Venose
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