Vocabulary : Verner's law to Veronese

Verner's law : A statement, propounded by the Danish philologist Karl Verner in 1875, which explains certain apparent exceptions to Grimm's law by the original position of the accent. Primitive Indo-European k, t, p, became first in Teutonic h, th, f, and appear without further change in old Teutonic, if the accent rested on the preceding syllable; but these sounds became voiced and produced g, d, b, if the accent was originally on a different syllable. Similarly s either remained unchanged, or it became z and later r. Example: Skt. sapta (accent on ultima), Gr. 'e`pta, Gothic sibun (seven). Examples in English are dead by the side of death, to rise and to rear.
Vernicle : A Veronica. See Veronica, 1.
Vernicose : Having a brilliantly polished surface, as some leaves.
Vernier : A short scale made to slide along the divisions of a graduated instrument, as the limb of a sextant, or the scale of a barometer, for indicating parts of divisions. It is so graduated that a certain convenient number of its divisions are just equal to a certain number, either one less or one more, of the divisions of the instrument, so that parts of a division are determined by observing what line on the vernier coincides with a line on the instrument.
Vernile : Suiting a salve; servile; obsequious.
Vernility : Fawning or obsequious behavior; servility.
Vernine : An alkaloid extracted from the shoots of the vetch, red clover, etc., as a white crystalline substance.
Vernish : Varnish.
Vernonin : A glucoside extracted from the root of a South African plant of the genus Vernonia, as a deliquescent powder, and used as a mild heart tonic.
Veronese : Of or pertaining to Verona, in Italy. ;; A native of Verona; collectively, the people of Verona.
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