Vocabulary : Vibrating to Vibrissa

Vibrating : of Vibrate
Vibration : The act of vibrating, or the state of being vibrated, or in vibratory motion; quick motion to and fro; oscillation, as of a pendulum or musical string. ;; A limited reciprocating motion of a particle of an elastic body or medium in alternately opposite directions from its position of equilibrium, when that equilibrium has been disturbed, as when a stretched cord or other body produces musical notes, or particles of air transmit sounds to the ear. The path of the particle may be in a straight line, in a circular arc, or in any curve whatever.
Vibratiuncle : A small vibration.
Vibrative : ; vibratory.
Vibrator : One that vibrates, or causes vibration or oscillation of any kind; ;; A trembler, as of an electric bell. ;; A vibrating reed for transmitting or receiving pulsating currents in a harmonic telegraph system. ;; A device for vibrating the pen of a siphon recorder to diminish frictional resistance on the paper. ;; An oscillator. ;; An ink-distributing roller in a printing machine, having an additional vibratory motion. ;; A vibrating reed, esp. in a reed organ. ;; Any of various vibrating devices, as one for slackening the warp as a shed opens. ;; An attachment, usually pneumatic, in a molding machine to shake the pattern loose.
Vibratory : Consisting in, or causing, vibration, or oscillation; vibrating; as, a vibratory motion; a vibratory power.
Vibrio : A genus of motile bacteria characterized by short, slightly sinuous filaments and an undulatory motion; also, an individual of this genus.
Vibriones : of Vibrio
Vibrios : of Vibrio
Vibrissa : One of the specialized or tactile hairs which grow about the nostrils, or on other parts of the face, in many animals, as the so-called whiskers of the cat, and the hairs of the nostrils of man. ;; The bristlelike feathers near the mouth of many birds.
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