Vocabulary : Vicennial to Vicine

Vicennial : Lasting or comprising twenty years. ;; Happening once in twenty years; as, a vicennial celebration.
Vice-regal : Of or pertaining to a viceroy or viceroyalty.
Viceroy : The governor of a country or province who rules in the name of the sovereign with regal authority, as the king's substitute; as, the viceroy of India. ;; A large and handsome American butterfly (Basilarchia, / Limenitis, archippus). Its wings are orange-red, with black lines along the nervures and a row of white spots along the outer margins. The larvae feed on willow, poplar, and apple trees.
Viceroyalty : The dignity, office, or jurisdiction of a viceroy.
Viceroyship : Viceroyalty.
Vicety : Fault; defect; coarseness.
Vichy water : A mineral water found at Vichy, France. It is essentially an effervescent solution of sodium, calcium, and magnetism carbonates, with sodium and potassium chlorides; also, by extension, any artificial or natural water resembling in composition the Vichy water proper. Called also, colloquially, Vichy.
Viciate : See Vitiate.
Vicinal : Near; vicine.
Vicine : Near; neighboring; vicinal. ;; An alkaloid ex tracted from the seeds of the vetch (Vicia sativa) as a white crystalline substance.
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