Vocabulary : Vulture to Vulvovaginal

Vulture : Any one of numerous species of rapacious birds belonging to Vultur, Cathartes, Catharista, and various other genera of the family Vulturidae.
Vulturine : Of or pertaining to a vulture; resembling a vulture in qualities or looks; as, the vulturine sea eagle (Gypohierax Angolensis); vulturine rapacity.
Vulturish : Vulturous.
Vulturism : The quality or state of being like a vulture; rapaciousness.
Vulturous : Like a vulture; rapacious.
Vulva : The external parts of the female genital organs; sometimes, the opening between the projecting parts of the external organs. ;; The orifice of the oviduct of an insect or other invertebrate.
Vulviform : Like a cleft with projecting edges.
Vulvitis : Inflammation of the vulva.
Vulvo-uterine : Pertaining both to the vulva and the uterus.
Vulvovaginal : Pertaining both to the vulva and the vagina.
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