Vocabulary : Washer to Washoe process

Washer : One who, or that which, washes. ;; A ring of metal, leather, or other material, or a perforated plate, used for various purposes, as around a bolt or screw to form a seat for the head or nut, or around a wagon axle to prevent endwise motion of the hub of the wheel and relieve friction, or in a joint to form a packing, etc. ;; A fitting, usually having a plug, applied to a cistern, tub, sink, or the like, and forming the outlet opening. ;; The common raccoon. ;; Same as Washerwoman, 2.
Washerman : A man who washes clothes, esp. for hire, or for others.
Washermen : of Washerman
Washerwoman : A woman who washes clothes, especially for hire, or for others. ;; The pied wagtail; -- so called in allusion to its beating the water with its tail while tripping along the leaves of water plants.
Washerwomen : of Washerwoman
Washhouse : An outbuilding for washing, esp. one for washing clothes; a laundry.
Washiness : The quality or state of being washy, watery, or weak.
Washing : Gold dust procured by washing; also, a place where this is done; a washery. ;; A thin covering or coat; as, a washing of silver. ;; The operation of simultaneously buying and selling the same stock for the purpose of manipulating the market. The transaction is fictitious, and is prohibited by stock-exchange rules. ;; The covering of a piece with an infusible powder, which prevents it from sticking to its supports, while receiving the glaze. ;; of Wash ;; The act of one who washes; the act of cleansing with water; ablution. ;; The clothes washed, esp. at one time; a wash.
Washingtonian : Pertaining to, or characteristic of, George Washington; as, a Washingtonian policy. ;; Designating, or pertaining to, a temperance society and movement started in Baltimore in 1840 on the principle of total abstinence. ;; A member of the Washingtonian Society.
Washoe process : The process of treating silver ores by grinding in pans or tubs with the addition of mercury, and sometimes of chemicals such as blue vitriol and salt.
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