Vocabulary : Water-rotting to Waterway

Water-rotting : of Water-rot
Waterscape : A sea view; -- distinguished from landscape.
Watershed : The whole region or extent of country which contributes to the supply of a river or lake. ;; The line of division between two adjacent rivers or lakes with respect to the flow of water by natural channels into them; the natural boundary of a basin.
Watershoot : A sprig or shoot from the root or stock of a tree. ;; That which serves to guard from falling water; a drip or dripstone. ;; A trough for discharging water.
Water-soak : To soak water; to fill the interstices of with water.
Waterspout : A remarkable meteorological phenomenon, of the nature of a tornado or whirlwind, usually observed over the sea, but sometimes over the land.
Water-standing : Tear-filled.
Watertath : A kind of coarse grass growing in wet grounds, and supposed to be injurious to sheep.
Water-tight : So tight as to retain, or not to admit, water; not leaky.
Waterway : Heavy plank or timber extending fore and aft the whole length of a vessel's deck at the line of junction with the sides, forming a channel to the scuppers, which are cut through it. In iron vessels the waterway is variously constructed.
Next : Waterweed, Water-white, Waterwork, Waterworn, Waterwort, Watery, Watt, Watteau, Watteau back, Wattle
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