Vocabulary : Whaleman to Whang

Whaleman : A man employed in the whale fishery.
Whalemen : of Whaleman
Whaler : A vessel or person employed in the whale fishery. ;; One who whales, or beats; a big, strong fellow; hence, anything of great or unusual size.
Whaling : of Whala ;; The hunting of whales. ;; Pertaining to, or employed in, the pursuit of whales; as, a whaling voyage; a whaling vessel.
Whall : A light color of the iris in horses; wall-eye.
Whally : Having the iris of light color; -- said of horses.
Whame : A breeze fly.
Whammel : To turn over.
Whan : When.
Whang : To beat; thrash; bang; also, to throw, hurl, or fling about, violently. ;; To slice, esp. in large pieces; to chop. ;; A blow; whack. ;; A large piece or slice; chunk. ;; Formerly, a house-cleaning party. ;; A leather thong. ;; To beat.
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