Vocabulary : Wherewithal to Whetstone

Wherewithal : Wherewith.
Wherret : A box on the ear.
Wherries : of Wherry
Wherry : A passenger barge or lighter plying on rivers; also, a kind of light, half-decked vessel used in fishing. ;; A long, narrow, light boat, sharp at both ends, for fast rowing or sailing; esp., a racing boat rowed by one person with sculls. ;; A liquor made from the pulp of crab apples after the verjuice is expressed; -- sometimes called crab wherry.
Wherso : Wheresoever.
Whet : To rub or on with some substance, as a piece of stone, for the purpose of sharpening; to sharpen by attrition; as, to whet a knife. ;; To make sharp, keen, or eager; to excite; to stimulate; as, to whet the appetite or the courage. ;; The act of whetting. ;; That which whets or sharpens; esp., an appetizer.
Whether : Which (of two); which one (of two); -- used interrogatively and relatively. ;; In case; if; -- used to introduce the first or two or more alternative clauses, the other or others being connected by or, or by or whether. When the second of two alternatives is the simple negative of the first it is sometimes only indicated by the particle not or no after the correlative, and sometimes it is omitted entirely as being distinctly implied in the whether of the first.
Whethering : The retention of the afterbirth in cows.
Whetile : The green woodpecker, or yaffle. See Yaffle.
Whetstone : A piece of stone, natural or artificial, used for whetting, or sharpening, edge tools.
Next : Whetted, Whetter, Whetting, Whettlebones, Whew, Whewellite, Whewer, Whey, Whey cure, Wheyey
Previous : Whereret, Whereso, Wheresoe'er, Wheresoever, Wherethrough, Whereto, Whereunto, Whereupon, Wherever, Wherewith
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