Vocabulary : Winked to Winnew

Winked : of Wink
Winker : One who winks. ;; A horse's blinder; a blinker.
Winking : of Wink
Winkingly : In a winking manner; with the eye almost closed.
Winkle : Any periwinkle. ;; Any one of various marine spiral gastropods, esp., in the United States, either of two species of Fulgar (F. canaliculata, and F. carica).
Winkle-hawk : A rectangular rent made in cloth; -- called also winkle-hole.
Winnard 2 : The redwing.
Winnebagoes : A tribe of North American Indians who originally occupied the region about Green Bay, Lake Michigan, but were driven back from the lake and nearly exterminated in 1640 by the IIlinnois.
Winner : One who wins, or gains by success in competition, contest, or gaming.
Winnew : To separate, and drive off, the chaff from by means of wind; to fan; as, to winnow grain. ;; To sift, as for the purpose of separating falsehood from truth; to separate, as had from good. ;; To beat with wings, or as with wings.
Next : Winning, Winningly, Winningness, Winninish, Winnow, Winnowed, Winnower, Winnowing, Winrow, Winsing
Previous : Wing-footed, Wing-handed, Winging, Wing-leaved, Wingless, Winglet, Wingmanship, Wing-shell, Wingy, Wink
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