Vocabulary : Winsome to Winterkilled

Winsome : Cheerful; merry; gay; light-hearted. ;; Causing joy or pleasure; gladsome; pleasant.
Winsomeness : The characteristic of being winsome; attractiveness of manner.
Winter : The season of the year in which the sun shines most obliquely upon any region; the coldest season of the year. ;; The period of decay, old age, death, or the like. ;; To pass the winter; to hibernate; as, to winter in Florida. ;; To keep, feed or manage, during the winter; as, to winter young cattle on straw.
Winter-beaten : Beaten or harassed by the severe weather of winter.
Wintered : of Winter
Wintergreen : A plant which keeps its leaves green through the winter.
Winter-ground : To coved over in the season of winter, as for protection or shelter; as, to winter-ground the roods of a plant.
Wintering : of Winter
Winterkill : To die as the result of exposure to the cold of winter; as, the tree winterkills easily. ;; To kill by the cold, or exposure to the inclemency of winter; as, the wheat was winterkilled.
Winterkilled : of Winterkill
Next : Winterkilling, Winterly, Winter-proud, Winter-rig, Winter's bark, Wintertide, Winterweed, Wintery, Wintry, Winy
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