Vocabulary : Witchuck to With

Witchuck : The sand martin, or bank swallow.
Wit-cracker : One who breaks jests; a joker.
Witcraft : Art or skill of the mind; contrivance; invention; wit. ;; The art of reasoning; logic.
Wite : of Wit ;; To reproach; to blame; to censure; also, to impute as blame. ;; Blame; reproach.
Witeless : Blameless.
Witen : pl. pres. of Wit.
Witenagemote : A meeting of wise men; the national council, or legislature, of England in the days of the Anglo-Saxons, before the Norman Conquest.
Witfish : The ladyfish (a).
Witful : Wise; sensible.
With : See Withe. ;; With denotes or expresses some situation or relation of nearness, proximity, association, connection, or the like. ;; To denote a close or direct relation of opposition or hostility; -- equivalent to against. ;; To denote association in respect of situation or environment; hence, among; in the company of. ;; To denote a connection of friendship, support, alliance, assistance, countenance, etc.; hence, on the side of. ;; To denote the accomplishment of cause, means, instrument, etc; -- sometimes equivalent to by. ;; To denote association in thought, as for comparison or contrast. ;; To denote simultaneous happening, or immediate succession or consequence. ;; To denote having as a possession or an appendage; as, the firmament with its stars; a bride with a large fortune.
Next : Withal, Withamite, Withdraw, Withdrawal, Withdrawer, Withdrawing, Withdrawing-room, Withdrawment, Withdrawn, Withdrew
Previous : Witan, Witch, Witchcraft, Witched, Witch-elm, Witcheries, Witchery, Witch-hazel, Witching, Witch-tree
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