Vocabulary : Xiphias to Xiphoid

Xiphias : A genus of fishes comprising the common swordfish. ;; The constellation Dorado. ;; A comet shaped like a sword
Xiphidium : A genus of plants of the order Haemodraceae, having two-ranked, sword-shaped leaves.
Xiphioid : Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a cetacean of the genus Xiphius or family Xiphiidae.
Xiphiplastra : of Xiphiplastron
Xiphiplastron : The posterior, or fourth, lateral plate in the plastron of turtles; -- called also xiphisternum.
Xiphisterna : of Xiphisternum
Xiphisternum : The posterior segment, or extremity, of the sternum; -- sometimes called metasternum, ensiform cartilage, ensiform process, or xiphoid process. ;; The xiphiplastron.
Xiphius : A genus of cetaceans having a long, pointed, bony beak, usually two tusklike teeth in the lower jaw, but no teeth in the upper jaw.
Xiphodon : An extinct genus of artiodactylous mammals found in the European Tertiary formations. It had slender legs, didactylous feet, and small canine teeth.
Xiphoid : Like a sword; ensiform. ;; Of or pertaining to the xiphoid process; xiphoidian.
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