Vocabulary : Youl to Youngster

Youl : To yell; to yowl.
Young : Not long born; still in the first part of life; not yet arrived at adolescence, maturity, or age; not old; juvenile; -- said of animals; as, a young child; a young man; a young fawn. ;; Being in the first part, pr period, of growth; as, a young plant; a young tree. ;; Having little experience; inexperienced; unpracticed; ignorant; weak. ;; The offspring of animals, either a single animal or offspring collectively.
Young one : A young human being; a child; also, a young animal, as a colt.
Young Women's Christian Association : An organization for promoting the spiritual, intellectual, social, and economic welfare of young women, originating in 1855 with Lady Kinnaird's home for young women, and Miss Emma Robert's prayer union for young women,in England, which were combined in the year 1884 as a national association. Now nearly all the civilized countries, and esp. the United States, have local, national, and international organizations.
Youngger : One who is younger; an inferior in age; a junior.
Youngish : Somewhat young.
Youngling : A young person; a youth; also, any animal in its early life. ;; Young; youthful.
Youngly : Like a young person or thing; young; youthful. ;; In a young manner; in the period of youth; early in life. ;; Ignorantly; weakly.
Youngness : The quality or state of being young.
Youngster : A young person; a youngling; a lad.
Next : Youngth, Youngthly, Younker, Youpon, Your, Yours, Yourself, Yourselves, Youth, Youthful
Previous : Yoni, Yonker, Yore, York rite, York use, Yorker, Yorkshire, Yot, Yote, You
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