The Foolish Dictionary Words starting with E

EAGLE : The national bird of a Christian country; (the United States.) Presumably chosen on account of its being a bird of pray.
EARL : A title of nobility.
EARLY : A title of stupidity. See old saw, "Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man a farmer!"
EARTH : A solid substance, much desired by the seasick.
ECHO : The only thing that can cheat a woman out of the last word.
ECONOMY : Denying ourselves a necessary today in order to buy a luxury to-morrow.
EGG : A wholesome, yet fowl, product, of no use until broken. Sometimes a cure for indigestion or bad acting.
ELECTION : A periodical picnic for the American People. Held in booths, where the Voter puts in his ballot, and The Machine elects whatever it chooses. A day when the lowliest may make their mark and even beggars may ride; when the Glad Mit gets promiscuous and everything is full--particularly the lodging-houses.
ENCORE : A greedy theatre-goer's desire to get more than his money's worth. From the Fr. en, among, and cochon, pig,--common among pigs.
ENGAGEMENT : In war, a battle. In love, the salubrious calm that precedes the real hostilities.
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