Murphys Laws: Law of the Individual to Issawi's Law of the Conservation of Evil

(Murphy's Laws collected: 1583)

Law of the Individual : Nobody really cares or understands what anyone else is doing.
Laws of Institutional Food : Everything is cold except what should be.
Laws of Institutional Food : Everything, including the corn flakes, is greasy.
Law of Institutions : The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamental solvency of the firm.
Iron Law of Distribution : Them what has -- gets. Wakefield's Refutation of the Iron Law of Distribution:
Iron Law of Distribution : Them what gets -- has.
Issawi's Law of Aggression : At any given moment, a society contains a certain amount of accumulated and accruing aggressiveness. If more than 21 years elapse without this aggressiveness being directed outward, in a popular war against other countries, it turns inward, in social unrest, civil disturbances, and political disruption.
Issawi's Laws of Committo-Dynamics : Comitas comitatum, omnia comitas.
Issawi's Laws of Committo-Dynamics : The less you enjoy serving on committees, the more likely you are to be pressed to do so.
Issawi's Law of the Conservation of Evil : The total amount of evil in any system remains constant. Hence, any diminution in one direction -- for instance, a reduction in poverty or unemployment -- is accompanied by an increase in another, e.g., crime or air pollution.

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Next : Issawi's Law of Consumption Patterns, Issawi's Law of Cynics, Issawi's Law of Dogmatism, Issawi's Law of Estimation of Error, Issawi's Law of Frustration, Issawi's Laws of Progress, Issawi's Laws of Progress, Issawi's Laws of Progress, Issawi's Laws of Progress, Issawi's Law of the Social Sciences
Previous : Hull's Warning, IBM Pollyanna Principle, Idea Formula, The Ike Tautology, The Ike Tautology Corollary, Iles's Law, Iles's Law Corollary, Iles's Law Corollary, Imhoff's Law, Index of Development
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