Murphys Laws: McClaughry's Codicil on Jones's Motto to Kamin's Sixth Law

(Murphy's Laws collected: 1583)

McClaughry's Codicil on Jones's Motto : To make an enemy, do someone a favor.
Jones's Principle : Needs are a function of what other people have.
Juhani's Law : The compromise will always be more expensive than either of the suggestions it's compromising.
Kafka's Law : In the fight between you and the world, back the world.
Kamin's First Law : All currencies will decrease in value and purchasing power over the long term, unless they are freely and fully convertable into gold and that gold is traded freely without restrictions of any kind.
Kamin's Second Law : Threat of capital controls accelerates marginal capital outflows.
Kamin's Third Law : Combined total taxation from all levels of government will always increase (until the government is replaced by war or revolution).
Kamin's Fourth Law : Government inflation is always worse than statistics indicate: central bankers are biased toward inflation when the money unit is non-convertible, and without gold or silver backing.
Kamin's Fifth Law : Purchasing power of currency is always lost far more rapidly than ever regained. (Those who expect even fluctuations in both directions play a losing game.)
Kamin's Sixth Law : When attempting to predict and forecast macro-economic moves or economic legislation by a politician, never be misled by what he says; instead watch what he does.

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Next : Kamin's Seventh Law, Kaplan's Law of the Instrument, Katz's Law, Katz's Maxims, Katz's Maxims, Katz's Maxims, Katz's Maxims, Katz's Maxims, Katz's Maxims, Katz's Maxims
Previous : John's Axiom, John's Collateral Corollary, Johnson's First Law, Johnson's Second Law, Johnson's Third Law, Johnson's Third Law Corollary, Johnson's First Law of Auto Repair, Johnson-Laird's Law, Jones's Law, Jones's Motto
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