Top 100 SAT Words : mundane to pretentious

61. mundane : (adj) ordinary, commonplace
62. nonchalant : (adj) calm, casual, seeming unexcited
63. novice : (n) apprentice, beginner
64. opulent : (adj) wealthy
65. orator : (n) lecturer, speaker
66. ostentatious : (adj) showy, displaying wealth
67. parched : (adj) dried up, shriveled
68. perfidious : (adj) faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy
69. precocious : (adj) unusually advanced or talented at an early age
70. pretentious : (adj) pretending to be important, intelligent or cultured
Next : procrastinate, prosaic, prosperity, provocative, prudent, querulous, rancorous, reclusive, reconciliation, renovation
Previous : impute, incompatible, inconsequential, inevitable, integrity, intrepid, intuitive, jubilation, lobbyist, longevity
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