Top 100 SAT Words : procrastinate to renovation

71. procrastinate : (v) to unnecessarily delay, postpone, put off
72. prosaic : (adj) relating to prose; dull, commonplace
73. prosperity : (n) wealth or success
74. provocative : (adj) tending to provoke a response, e.g., anger or disagreement
75. prudent : (adj) careful, cautious
76. querulous : (adj) complaining, irritable
77. rancorous : (adj) bitter, hateful
78. reclusive : (adj) preferring to live in isolation
79. reconciliation : (n) the act of agreement after a quarrel, the resolution of a dispute
80. renovation : (n) repair, making something new again
Next : resilient, restrained, reverence, sagacity, scrutinize, spontaneity, spurious, submissive, substantiate, subtle
Previous : mundane, nonchalant, novice, opulent, orator, ostentatious, parched, perfidious, precocious, pretentious
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