Vocabulary : Badge to Badiaga

Badge : A distinctive mark, token, sign, or cognizance, worn on the person; as, the badge of a society; the badge of a policeman. ;; Something characteristic; a mark; a token. ;; A carved ornament on the stern of a vessel, containing a window or the representation of one. ;; To mark or distinguish with a badge.
Badgeless : Having no badge.
Badger : An itinerant licensed dealer in commodities used for food; a hawker; a huckster; -- formerly applied especially to one who bought grain in one place and sold it in another. ;; A carnivorous quadruped of the genus Meles or of an allied genus. It is a burrowing animal, with short, thick legs, and long claws on the fore feet. One species (M. vulgaris), called also brock, inhabits the north of Europe and Asia; another species (Taxidea Americana / Labradorica) inhabits the northern parts of North America. See Teledu. ;; A brush made of badgers' hair, used by artists. ;; To tease or annoy, as a badger when baited; to worry or irritate persistently. ;; To beat down; to cheapen; to barter; to bargain.
Badger game : The method of blackmailing by decoying a person into a compromising situation and extorting money by threats of exposure.
Badger State : Wisconsin; -- a nickname.
Badgered : of Badger
Badgerer : One who badgers. ;; A kind of dog used in badger baiting.
Badgering : of Badger ;; The act of one who badgers. ;; The practice of buying wheat and other kinds of food in one place and selling them in another for a profit.
Badger-legged : Having legs of unequal length, as the badger was thought to have.
Badiaga : A fresh-water sponge (Spongilla), common in the north of Europe, the powder of which is used to take away the livid marks of bruises.
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