Vocabulary : Barker to Barleybreak

Barker : An animal that barks; hence, any one who clamors unreasonably. ;; One who stands at the doors of shops to urg/ passers by to make purchases. ;; A pistol. ;; The spotted redshank. ;; One who strips trees of their bark.
Barker's mill : A machine, invented in the 17th century, worked by a form of reaction wheel. The water flows into a vertical tube and gushes from apertures in hollow horizontal arms, causing the machine to revolve on its axis.
Barkery : A tanhouse.
Barking : of Bark
Barking irons : Instruments used in taking off the bark of trees. ;; A pair of pistols.
Barkless : Destitute of bark.
Barky : Covered with, or containing, bark.
Barley : A valuable grain, of the family of grasses, genus Hordeum, used for food, and for making malt, from which are prepared beer, ale, and whisky.
Barleybrake : Alt. of Barleybreak
Barleybreak : An ancient rural game, commonly played round stacks of barley, or other grain, in which some of the party attempt to catch others who run from a goal.
Next : Barley-bree, Barleycorn, Barm, Barmaid, Barmaster, Barmcloth, Barmecidal, Barmecide, Barmote, Barn
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