Vocabulary : Bastardized to Bastinadoes

Bastardized : of Bastardize
Bastardizing : of Bastardize
Bastardly : Bastardlike; baseborn; spurious; corrupt. ;; In the manner of a bastard; spuriously.
Bastardy : The state of being a bastard; illegitimacy. ;; The procreation of a bastard child.
Baste : To beat with a stick; to cudgel. ;; To sprinkle flour and salt and drip butter or fat on, as on meat in roasting. ;; To mark with tar, as sheep. ;; To sew loosely, or with long stitches; -- usually, that the work may be held in position until sewed more firmly.
Basted : of Baste
Bastile Bastille : A tower or an elevated work, used for the defense, or in the siege, of a fortified place. ;; "The Bastille", formerly a castle or fortress in Paris, used as a prison, especially for political offenders; hence, a rhetorical name for a prison.
Bastinade : See Bastinado, n. ;; To bastinado.
Bastinado : A blow with a stick or cudgel. ;; A sound beating with a stick or cudgel. Specifically: A form of punishment among the Turks, Chinese, and others, consisting in beating an offender on the soles of his feet. ;; To beat with a stick or cudgel, especially on the soles of the feet.
Bastinadoes : of Bastinado ;; of Bastinado
Next : Bastinadoing, Basting, Bastion, Bastioned, Basto, Baston, Basutos, Basyle, Basylous, Bat
Previous : Basso-relievo, Basso-rilievo, Bassorin, Bass-relief, Basswood, Bast, Basta, Bastard, Bastardism, Bastardize
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