Vocabulary : Bathe to Baths

Bathe : To wash by immersion, as in a bath; to subject to a bath. ;; To lave; to wet. ;; To moisten or suffuse with a liquid. ;; To apply water or some liquid medicament to; as, to bathe the eye with warm water or with sea water; to bathe one's forehead with camphor. ;; To surround, or envelop, as water surrounds a person immersed. ;; To bathe one's self; to take a bath or baths. ;; To immerse or cover one's self, as in a bath. ;; To bask in the sun. ;; The immersion of the body in water; as to take one's usual bathe.
Bathed : of Bathe
Bather : One who bathes.
Bathetic : Having the character of bathos.
Bathing : of Bathe ;; Act of taking a bath or baths.
Bathmism : See Vital force.
Bathometer : An instrument for measuring depths, esp. one for taking soundings without a sounding line.
Bathorse : A horse which carries an officer's baggage during a campaign.
Bathos : A ludicrous descent from the elevated to the low, in writing or speech; anticlimax.
Baths : of Bath
Next : Bathybius, Bathygraphic, Bathymetric, Bathymetrical, Bathymetry, Bating, Batiste, Batlet, Batman, Batmen
Previous : Bateaux, Bated, Bateful, Bateless, Batement, Batfish, Batfowler, Batfowling, Batful, Bath
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