Vocabulary : Betrimmed to Betso

Betrimmed : of Betrim
Betrimming : of Betrim
Betroth : To contract to any one for a marriage; to engage or promise in order to marriage; to affiance; -- used esp. of a woman. ;; To promise to take (as a future spouse); to plight one's troth to. ;; To nominate to a bishopric, in order to consecration.
Betrothal : The act of betrothing, or the fact of being betrothed; a mutual promise, engagement, or contract for a future marriage between the persons betrothed; betrothment; affiance.
Betrothed : of Betroth
Betrothing : of Betroth
Betrothment : The act of betrothing, or the state of being betrothed; betrothal.
Betrust : To trust or intrust.
Betrustment : The act of intrusting, or the thing intrusted.
Betso : A small brass Venetian coin.
Next : Betted, Better, Bettered, Bettering, Betterment, Bettermost, Betterness, Betting, Bettong, Bettor
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