Vocabulary : Bibliothecary to Bicameral

Bibliothecary : A librarian.
Bibliotheke : A library.
Biblist : One who makes the Bible the sole rule of faith. ;; A biblical scholar; a biblicist.
Bibracteate : Furnished with, or having, two bracts.
Bibulous : Readily imbibing fluids or moisture; spongy; as, bibulous blotting paper. ;; Inclined to drink; addicted to tippling.
Bibulously : In a bibulous manner; with profuse imbibition or absorption.
Bicalcarate : Having two spurs, as the wing or leg of a bird.
Bicallose : Alt. of Bicallous
Bicallous : Having two callosities or hard spots.
Bicameral : Consisting of, or including, two chambers, or legislative branches.
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