Vocabulary : Bilious to Bilking

Bilious : Of or pertaining to the bile. ;; Disordered in respect to the bile; troubled with an excess of bile; as, a bilious patient; dependent on, or characterized by, an excess of bile; as, bilious symptoms. ;; Choleric; passionate; ill tempered.
Biliousness : The state of being bilious.
Biliprasin : A dark green pigment found in small quantity in human gallstones.
Bilirubin : A reddish yellow pigment present in human bile, and in that from carnivorous and herbivorous animals; the normal biliary pigment.
Biliteral : Consisting of two letters; as, a biliteral root of a Sanskrit verb. ;; A word, syllable, or root, consisting of two letters.
Biliteralism : The property or state of being biliteral.
Biliverdin : A green pigment present in the bile, formed from bilirubin by oxidation.
Bilk : To frustrate or disappoint; to deceive or defraud, by nonfulfillment of engagement; to leave in the lurch; to give the slip to; as, to bilk a creditor. ;; A thwarting an adversary in cribbage by spoiling his score; a balk. ;; A cheat; a trick; a hoax. ;; Nonsense; vain words. ;; A person who tricks a creditor; an untrustworthy, tricky person.
Bilked : of Bilk
Bilking : of Bilk
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