Vocabulary : Black-eyed to Blackguarding

Black-eyed : Having black eyes.
Black-eyed Susan : The coneflower, or yellow daisy (Rudbeckia hirta). ;; The bladder ketmie.
Black-faced : Having a black, dark, or gloomy face or aspect.
Blackfeet : A tribe of North American Indians formerly inhabiting the country from the upper Missouri River to the Saskatchewan, but now much reduced in numbers.
Blackfin : See Bluefin.
Blackfish : A small kind of whale, of the genus Globicephalus, of several species. The most common is G. melas. Also sometimes applied to other whales of larger size. ;; The tautog of New England (Tautoga). ;; The black sea bass (Centropristis atrarius) of the Atlantic coast. It is excellent food fish; -- locally called also black Harry. ;; A fish of southern Europe (Centrolophus pompilus) of the Mackerel family. ;; The female salmon in the spawning season.
Blackfoot : Of or pertaining to the Blackfeet; as, a Blackfoot Indian. ;; A Blackfoot Indian.
Blackguard : The scullions and lower menials of a court, or of a nobleman's household, who, in a removal from one residence to another, had charge of the kitchen utensils, and being smutted by them, were jocularly called the "black guard"; also, the servants and hangers-on of an army. ;; The criminals and vagrants or vagabonds of a town or community, collectively. ;; A person of stained or low character, esp. one who uses scurrilous language, or treats others with foul abuse; a scoundrel; a rough. ;; A vagrant; a bootblack; a gamin. ;; To revile or abuse in scurrilous language. ;; Scurrilous; abusive; low; worthless; vicious; as, blackguard language.
Blackguarded : of Blackguard
Blackguarding : of Blackguard
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