Vocabulary : Black-letter to Blackness

Black-letter : Written or printed in black letter; as, a black-letter manuscript or book. ;; Given to the study of books in black letter; that is, of old books; out of date. ;; Of or pertaining to the days in the calendar not marked with red letters as saints' days. Hence: Unlucky; inauspicious.
Blacklist : To put in a black list as deserving of suspicion, censure, or punishment; esp. to put in a list of persons stigmatized as insolvent or untrustworthy, -- as tradesmen and employers do for mutual protection; as, to blacklist a workman who has been discharged. See Black list, under Black, a.
Blackly : In a black manner; darkly, in color; gloomily; threateningly; atrociously.
Blackmail : A certain rate of money, corn, cattle, or other thing, anciently paid, in the north of England and south of Scotland, to certain men who were allied to robbers, or moss troopers, to be by them protected from pillage. ;; Payment of money exacted by means of intimidation; also, extortion of money from a person by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure. ;; Black rent, or rent paid in corn, flesh, or the lowest coin, a opposed to "white rent", which paid in silver. ;; To extort money from by exciting fears of injury other than bodily harm, as injury to reputation, distress of mind, etc.; as, to blackmail a merchant by threatening to expose an alleged fraud.
Blackmailed : of Blackmail
Blackmailer : One who extorts, or endeavors to extort, money, by black mailing.
Blackmailing : of Blackmail ;; The act or practice of extorting money by exciting fears of injury other than bodily harm, as injury to reputation.
Blackmoor : See Blackamoor.
Black-mouthed : Using foul or scurrilous language; slanderous.
Blackness : The quality or state of being black; black color; atrociousness or enormity in wickedness.
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