Vocabulary : Bleacher to Blear-eyed

Bleacher : One who whitens, or whose occupation is to whiten, by bleaching.
Bleacheries : of Bleachery
Bleachery : A place or an establishment where bleaching is done.
Bleaching : of Bleach ;; The act or process of whitening, by removing color or stains; esp. the process of whitening fabrics by chemical agents.
Bleak : Without color; pale; pallid. ;; Desolate and exposed; swept by cold winds. ;; Cold and cutting; cheerless; as, a bleak blast. ;; A small European river fish (Leuciscus alburnus), of the family Cyprinidae; the blay.
Bleaky : Bleak.
Blear : Dim or sore with water or rheum; -- said of the eyes. ;; Causing or caused by dimness of sight; dim. ;; To make somewhat sore or watery, as the eyes; to dim, or blur, as the sight. Figuratively: To obscure (mental or moral perception); to blind; to hoodwink.
Bleared : of Blear ;; Dimmed, as by a watery humor; affected with rheum.
Bleareye : A disease of the eyelids, consisting in chronic inflammation of the margins, with a gummy secretion of sebaceous matter.
Blear-eyed : Having sore eyes; having the eyes dim with rheum; dim-sighted. ;; Lacking in perception or penetration; short-sighted; as, a blear-eyed bigot.
Next : Bleareyedness, Blearing, Bleary, Bleat, Bleated, Bleater, Bleating, Bleb, Blebby, Bleck
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