Vocabulary : Blink-eyed to Blistered

Blink-eyed : Habitually winking.
Blinking : of Blink
Blirt : A gust of wind and rain.
Bliss : Orig., blithesomeness; gladness; now, the highest degree of happiness; blessedness; exalted felicity; heavenly joy.
Blisses : of Bliss
Blissful : Full of, characterized by, or causing, joy and felicity; happy in the highest degree.
Blissless : Destitute of bliss.
Blissom : To be lustful; to be lascivious. ;; Lascivious; also, in heat; -- said of ewes.
Blister : A vesicle of the skin, containing watery matter or serum, whether occasioned by a burn or other injury, or by a vesicatory; a collection of serous fluid causing a bladderlike elevation of the cuticle. ;; Any elevation made by the separation of the film or skin, as on plants; or by the swelling of the substance at the surface, as on steel. ;; A vesicatory; a plaster of Spanish flies, or other matter, applied to raise a blister. ;; To be affected with a blister or blisters; to have a blister form on. ;; To raise a blister or blisters upon. ;; To give pain to, or to injure, as if by a blister.
Blistered : of Blister
Next : Blistering, Blistery, Blite, Blithe, Blitheful, Blithely, Blitheness, Blithesome, Blive, Blizzard
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