Vocabulary : Blue bonnet to Bluebill

Blue bonnet : Alt. of Blue-bonnet
Blue book : A parliamentary publication, so called from its blue paper covers. ;; The United States official "Biennial Register."
Blue grass : A species of grass (Poa compressa) with bluish green stems, valuable in thin gravelly soils; wire grass.
Blue Hen State : The State of Delaware; -- a popular sobriquet. It is said, though the story lacks proof, to have taken its origin from the insistence of a Delaware Revolutionary captain, named Caldwell, that no cock could be truly game unless the mother was a blue hen, whence Blue Hen's Chickens came to be a nickname for the people of Delaware.
Blue jay : The common jay of the United States (Cyanocitta, or Cyanura, cristata). The predominant color is bright blue.
Blueback : A trout (Salmo oquassa) inhabiting some of the lakes of Maine. ;; A salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) of the Columbia River and northward. ;; An American river herring (Clupea aestivalis), closely allied to the alewife.
Bluebeard : The hero of a mediaeval French nursery legend, who, leaving home, enjoined his young wife not to open a certain room in his castle. She entered it, and found the murdered bodies of his former wives. -- Also used adjectively of a subject which it is forbidden to investigate.
Bluebell : A plant of the genus Campanula, especially the Campanula rotundifolia, which bears blue bell-shaped flowers; the harebell. ;; A plant of the genus Scilla (Scilla nutans).
Blueberry : The berry of several species of Vaccinium, an ericaceous genus, differing from the American huckleberries in containing numerous minute seeds instead of ten nutlets. The commonest species are V. Pennsylvanicum and V. vacillans. V. corymbosum is the tall blueberry.
Bluebill : A duck of the genus Fuligula. Two American species (F. marila and F. affinis) are common. See Scaup duck.
Next : Bluebird, Blue-bonnet, Bluebottle, Bluebreast, Bluecap, Bluecoat, Blued, Blue-eye, Blue-eyed, Blue-eyed grass
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