Vocabulary : Bluefin to Blueprint

Bluefin : A species of whitefish (Coregonus nigripinnis) found in Lake Michigan.
Bluefish : A large voracious fish (Pomatomus saitatrix), of the family Carangidae, valued as a food fish, and widely distributed on the American coast. On the New Jersey and Rhode Island coast it is called the horse mackerel, in Virginia saltwater tailor, or skipjack. ;; A West Indian fish (Platyglossus radiatus), of the family Labridae.
Bluegown : One of a class of paupers or pensioners, or licensed beggars, in Scotland, to whim annually on the king's birthday were distributed certain alms, including a blue gown; a beadsman.
Blue-grass State : The Sate of Kentucky; -- a nickname alluding to the blue-grass region, where fine horses are bred.
Blue-john : A name given to fluor spar in Derbyshire, where it is used for ornamental purposes.
Bluely : With a blue color.
Blueness : The quality of being blue; a blue color.
Bluenose : A nickname for a Nova Scotian. ;; A Nova Scotian; also, a Nova Scotian ship (called also Blue"nos`er (/)); a Nova Scotian potato, etc.
Bluepoll : A kind of salmon (Salmo Cambricus) found in Wales.
Blueprint : See under Print.
Next : Blue-skylaw, Bluestocking, Bluestockingism, Bluestone, Bluethroat, Bluets, Blue-veined, Bluewing, Bluey, Bluff
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