Vocabulary : Bombardier to Bombastical

Bombardier : One who used or managed a bombard; an artilleryman; a gunner. ;; A noncommissioned officer in the British artillery.
Bombarding : of Bombard
Bombardman : One who carried liquor or beer in a can or bombard.
Bombardment : An attack upon a fortress or fortified town, with shells, hot shot, rockets, etc.; the act of throwing bombs and shot into a town or fortified place.
Bombardo : Alt. of Bombardon
Bombardon : Originally, a deep-toned instrument of the oboe or bassoon family; thence, a bass reed stop on the organ. The name bombardon is now given to a brass instrument, the lowest of the saxhorns, in tone resembling the ophicleide.
Bombasine : Same as Bombazine.
Bombast : Originally, cotton, or cotton wool. ;; Cotton, or any soft, fibrous material, used as stuffing for garments; stuffing; padding. ;; Fig.: High-sounding words; an inflated style; language above the dignity of the occasion; fustian. ;; High-sounding; inflated; big without meaning; magniloquent; bombastic. ;; To swell or fill out; to pad; to inflate.
Bombastic : Alt. of Bombastical
Bombastical : Characterized by bombast; high-sounding; inflated.
Next : Bombastry, Bombax, Bombazet Bombazette, Bombazine, Bombic, Bombilate, Bombilation, Bombinate, Bombination, Bombolo
Previous : Boltsprit, Bolty, Bolus, Boluses, Bolye, Bom, Bomb, Bombace, Bombard, Bombarded
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