Vocabulary : Bougie decimale to Boule

Bougie decimale : A photometric standard used in France, having the value of one twentieth of the Violle platinum standard, or slightly less than a British standard candle. Called also decimal candle.
Bouilli : Boiled or stewed meat; beef boiled with vegetables in water from which its gravy is to be made; beef from which bouillon or soup has been made.
Bouillon : A nutritious liquid food made by boiling beef, or other meat, in water; a clear soup or broth. ;; An excrescence on a horse's frush or frog.
Bouk : The body. ;; Bulk; volume.
Boul : A curved handle.
Boulangerite : A mineral of a bluish gray color and metallic luster, usually in plumose masses, also compact. It is a sulphide of antimony and lead.
Boulangism : The spirit or principles of a French political movement identified with Gen. Georges Boulanger (d. 1891), whose militarism and advocacy of revenge on Germany attracted to him a miscellaneous party of monarchists and Republican malcontents.
Boulder : Same as Bowlder. ;; A large stone, worn smooth or rounded by the action of water; a large pebble. ;; A mass of any rock, whether rounded or not, that has been transported by natural agencies from its native bed. See Drift.
Bouldery : Characterized by bowlders.
Boule : Alt. of Boulework ;; A legislative council of elders or chiefs; a senate. ;; Legislature of modern Greece. See Legislature.
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