Vocabulary : Bourbon to Bourgeon

Bourbon : A member of a family which has occupied several European thrones, and whose descendants still claim the throne of France. ;; A politician who is behind the age; a ruler or politician who neither forgets nor learns anything; an obstinate conservative.
Bourbon whisky : See under Whisky.
Bourbonism : The principles of those adhering to the house of Bourbon; obstinate conservatism.
Bourbonist : One who adheres to the house of Bourbon; a legitimist.
Bourd : A jest. ;; To jest.
Bourder : A jester.
Bourdon : A pilgrim's staff. ;; A drone bass, as in a bagpipe, or a hurdy-gurdy. See Burden (of a song.) ;; A kind of organ stop.
Bourgeois : A size of type between long primer and brevier. See Type. ;; A man of middle rank in society; one of the shopkeeping class. ;; Characteristic of the middle class, as in France.
Bourgeoisie : The French middle class, particularly such as are concerned in, or dependent on, trade.
Bourgeon : To sprout; to put forth buds; to shoot forth, as a branch.
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