Vocabulary : Brand iron to Brandish

Brand iron : A branding iron. ;; A trivet to set a pot on. ;; The horizontal bar of an andiron.
Brand spore : One of several spores growing in a series or chain, and produced by one of the fungi called brand.
Branded : of Brand
Brandenburg : A kind of decoration for the breast of a coat, sometimes only a frog with a loop, but in some military uniforms enlarged into a broad horizontal stripe.
Brander : One who, or that which, brands; a branding iron. ;; A gridiron.
Brandied : Mingled with brandy; made stronger by the addition of brandy; flavored or treated with brandy; as, brandied peaches.
Brandies : of Brandy
Branding : of Brand
Branding iron : An iron to brand with.
Brandish : To move or wave, as a weapon; to raise and move in various directions; to shake or flourish. ;; To play with; to flourish; as, to brandish syllogisms. ;; A flourish, as with a weapon, whip, etc.
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