Vocabulary : Brawner to Brazed

Brawner : A boor killed for the table.
Brawniness : The quality or state of being brawny.
Brawny : Having large, strong muscles; muscular; fleshy; strong.
Braxy : A disease of sheep. The term is variously applied in different localities. ;; A diseased sheep, or its mutton.
Bray : To pound, beat, rub, or grind small or fine. ;; To utter a loud, harsh cry, as an ass. ;; To make a harsh, grating, or discordant noise. ;; To make or utter with a loud, discordant, or harsh and grating sound. ;; The harsh cry of an ass; also, any harsh, grating, or discordant sound. ;; A bank; the slope of a hill; a hill. See Brae, which is now the usual spelling.
Brayed : of Bray
Brayer : An implement for braying and spreading ink in hand printing. ;; One that brays like an ass.
Braying : of Bray ;; Making a harsh noise; blaring.
Braze : To solder with hard solder, esp. with an alloy of copper and zinc; as, to braze the seams of a copper pipe. ;; To harden. ;; To cover or ornament with brass.
Brazed : of Braze
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